We are often asked how people can help us achieve our lofty goals of restoring our forest and preserving our culture.  There are a variety of ways that the Shayari community can receive the support of our friends around the world.
Special Areas
Veterinary Services: We are always struggling to ensure sufficient veterinary care for our animal friends in the rescue center and forest repopulation program.  

Medical/Dental Services: As we are a village living on minimal economic resources, we are always pleased to receive the support of our doctor and dentist friends who can help, more than anything, in reviewing the health of our children and in health education.

Ecological Specialties: Our indigenous knowledge of the forest species and ecosystems serves us very well.  However, we are always looking for opportunities to learn from specialists in ecology or more specific areas of expertise (i.e. individual species, micro-ecosystems, etc.).

Information Technology: We are a community without regular access to computers, internet, and reliable cellular service.  Expertise and training in information technology is very important for the development of our community.

Rescue Center: We are pleased to receive funds that will directly support our rescue center, or even a donation towards helping support a particular animal with which a visitor connects.

Educational Scholarships: Each one of the families here at Shayari recognize the importance of educating our youth, but we are often without the funding to provide education past primary school as it requires daily transportation and other costs. We welcome donations that support the ongoing education of our children.

To Arrange a visit or to inquire about tour options, please e-mail us at shayaritours@gmail.com and allow for a few days before we respond.
Material Donations
The most appropriate gifts in a community such as Shayari are ones which have a health, educational or utilitarian value and which can be used communally.  Visitor generosity can have negative effects on the community by through inappropriate gifts distributed in ways that cause envy and destroy pride. What we ask is that gifts be appropriate (see list below), and that all gifts, no matter how small, be left with the administrator of the lodge, or the village president, to be distributed in the community in a way that is seen to be fair. By making donations in this way, visitors avoid behaving like Lords and Ladies Bountiful, and the villagers do not learn to relate to visitors as Santa Clauses and walking ATM machines.

Shoes/Sandals (especially for children)
Clothes/Cotton Underwear
Cloth Diapers and Cloth Sanitary Napkins
Hats and Sunglasses for Sun Protection
Machetes, Shovels, and other tools
Sewing Supplies
Kitchen Supplies (pots, pans, silverware, storage containers)
School/Office Supplies
Rubber Boots
Rain Ponchos
Used Children’s Books (Spanish & English)
Reference Book of Mammals of Ecuador in English and Spanish
Donations/Gifts that are not appropriate:
Toys ( especially plastic that will become toxic trash in a short period of time.  Nice wooden toys or other things such as musical instruments, balls, etc. that can be used by all the children in a community manner can be appropriate)
